Baldwin Public Library
400 Cedar Street
Baldwin, WI 54002
Phone 715-684-3813
Library Hours
M, W, F 9 AM – 6 PM
T, Th 9 AM – 7 PM
Sat 9 AM - 1 PM
Sun Closed
Youth Services

Children learn literacy skills through playing, hearing stories, talking about the stories, and acting out themes related to the stories.

Pre-school Storytime
Tuesdays 10-10:30 am
Also every second Thursday of the month 6-6:30 pm
September thru mid-May
For ages 3-5. Stories and songs, finger plays, and easy crafts.
Early literacy principles will be interwoven, to help your child get ready for reading while having fun.

Toddler Lapsit
Tuesdays 10-10:30 am
September thru mid-May
Lapsit is geared for young children ages birth to 2 years old with a caregiver.
Enjoy stories, songs, fingerplay, hands-on interaction and sensory play.

Pre-school Music & Movement
Fridays 10-10:30 am
September thru mid-May
A more active Storytime for your pre-schooler.
Stories, songs, dancing or marching, and simple instruments.
A fun option for children in 4K

1,000 Books Before Kindergarten
Reading every day leads to success in school.
Sign up at the library, read together, log your books, and earn a certificate and a free book!

500 Books Before Middle School Challenge
Kids ages 6-12 participating in the program can read independently or be read to as well as listen to audiobooks.
Log sheets are available at the circulation desk. Choose a bead for every log sheet returned and at the end, you’ll have a unique key chain to keep!