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Baldwin Public Library

Baldwin Public Library
400 Cedar Street
Baldwin, WI 54002
Phone 715-684-3813

Library Hours
M, W, F  9 AM – 6 PM
T, Th 9 AM – 7 PM
Sat 9 AM - 1 PM
Sun Closed

Youth Services

The goal of our Youth Programs is to introduce families to all the library has to offer and foster a love of reading in children while having fun at the library! laughing
No registration is required.  When BW schools are cancelled due to weather or holiday, Storytime is cancelled too. Call us if you have any questions or check our Facebook page for any updates.

Children learn literacy skills through playinghearing stories, talking about the stories, and acting out themes related to the stories.

Storytime starts March 23 at 10:00am

Pre-school Storytime

Tuesdays 10-10:30 am
Also every second Thursday of the month 6-6:30 pm
September thru mid-May

For ages 3-5. Stories and songs, finger plays, and easy crafts.

Early literacy principles will be interwoven, to help your child get ready for reading while having fun.



Storytime starts March 23 at 10:00am

Toddler Lapsit

Tuesdays 10-10:30 am
September thru mid-May

Lapsit is geared for young children ages birth to 2 years old with a caregiver.

Enjoy stories, songs, fingerplay, hands-on interaction and sensory play.


Pre-school Music & Mvt every Friday at 10:00 am

Pre-school Music & Movement

Fridays 10-10:30 am
September thru mid-May

A more active Storytime for your pre-schooler.

Stories, songs, dancing or marching, and simple instruments.

A fun option for children in 4K



1,000 books before Kindergarten

1,000 Books Before Kindergarten

Reading every day leads to success in school.

Sign up at the library, read together, log your books, and earn a certificate and a free book!


1,000 books before Kindergarten

500 Books Before Middle School Challenge

Kids ages 6-12 participating in the program can read independently or be read to as well as listen to audiobooks.

Log sheets are available at the circulation desk.  Choose a bead for every log sheet returned and at the end, you’ll have a unique key chain to keep!