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Friends of the Baldwin Library

Join us in serving the community through fun events! The Friends of the Baldwin Library are volunteers who support the library by helping with special programs and events. Past programs include plant giveaways, family movies, children’s book swaps, summer...

Fall General Election

Vote for Federal and State Representatives on Tuesday, November 8th. Visit My Vote Wisconsin, a non-partisan resource for all your election information: Register to vote / Where do I vote / What’s on my ballet / Request absentee ballot: What do I...

Outdoor Locker Pickup

Convenient 24/7 outdoor locker pickup is available if you don’t have time to come in or you’re unable to get to the library during open hours. Give us a call to schedule a pickup, then all you need to do is scan your library card or enter a code that we...

Official Election Information

My Vote Wisconsin. Find your polling place, see what and who is on your local ballot, register to vote, from this non-partisan resource. When is my next local election? You can find your next local election by searching for your address.

Get Internet for Less

The Affordable Connectivity Program replaced the Emergency Broadband Benefit program. This is a long-term program. This investment in broadband affordability will help ensure households can afford the internet connections they need for work, school, health care and...